John had been scrounging around in the back of his late Grandfather’s shop when he'd run across a small box of blank Journal books and a fancy pen made to resemble an old style writing quill. John had always kept a journal himself to keep track of his writing ideas and plans, as well as a place to vent about his rich snob schoolmates. He was also into TG Captions, and secretly envious of a couple of girls in his class who seemed to have it all – money, beauty, and brains.
That night, when he cracked open the blank Journal for its first entry, he decided to do something really out there. ‘Tasha that stuck up bitch at school snubbed me again today,’ he wrote. ‘How I wish that we could trade places, and she could see how much it hurts to be a poor envious geek, while I basked in her perfect little life.’
Suddenly, John felt faint; his eyesight dimmed, and he felt his ears pop a couple of times. John felt his head drop, and he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he didn't recognize where he was. The room was plush, in pleasant tans and browns. There was a candelabra burning on the nearby table, and he was drooped sideways in the chair with his boobs pushed up against the chair arm.
John did a double-take, those weren't his hands. These hands were small and feminine, with colored manicured nails. His hair was a long brunette mass, flowing down his back and over his big round breast. The only thing he recognized was the Journal and pen that he’d been writing with.
And someone had written a line below his own entry in the book. It said ‘Wish Granted.’