Down Like A Shot

“Dianna, are you ok? You went down like you’d been shot.”

“No Steve, believe me I’m fine. I just was a little dizzy there. Go ahead and get your swim. I’ll be fine right here.”

Yes, right here while I finish taking over Dianna’s body. This one had some fight to her. That’s fine, as a Body Hopper, I like a spirited mount. Strong, beautiful, and the boyfriend is a stud. This is going to be a great ride. Don’t pout little one, you won’t even remember that I was in control. You’ll remember tonight like a dream; a dream that had some great sex, and wonderful memories of love.

“Come on in Steve,” she said coyly, “I don’t want you to wear yourself out. I’ll do that later.”

It’s so much fun being a Body Hopper. I love my life.